
東京生れ。金泥作家を祖父に、ジュエリーデザイナーを両親に持ち、幼い頃から美術や宝飾に親しむ。立教大学法学部法学科在学中よりジュエリーメイキングを学ぶ。卒業後、KIDI Parsonsプロダクトデザイン科修了。2001年ニューヨークに渡米。パーソンズ美術大学プロダクトデザイン科を経て、2004年F.I.T.(ニューヨーク州立ファション工科大学)ジュエリーデザイン科卒業。在学中ハリー=ウィンストンデザイナー、モーリス=ガリ氏に師事。
帰国後2006年にオリジナルブランド「ラトレイア」発表。日本ジュエリー協会主催『JJAジュエリーデザインアワード2011』で厚生労働大臣賞を受賞。2016年ベルギー王国大使館にてデビュー10周年記念イベントを開催。山口遼氏著『日本のトップジュエラー』には最年少で、オリビエ=デュポン氏著『Fine Jewelry Couture』には唯一の日本人として掲載される等、国内外で実力派デザイナーとして注目を浴びる。また、文化学園大学・箱根ラリック美術館・名古屋造形大学・ジャパンジュエリーフェア等での講演会開催、業界誌での漫画連載・執筆等、デザイン業の他幅広い分野で活躍中。

Mana Matsuzaki

Mana Matsuzaki was born in Tokyo as the child of two jewelry designers and a grandchild of a gold painter/artist; thus, she has always been surrounded by art and jewelry. She began learning jewelry-making during her studies in law at Rikkyo University (Tokyo).
After graduation, she shifted her academic career toward design. Upon completing the product design course at KIDI PARSONS in Japan, she moved to New York in 2001. After study at the Parsons School of Design, she graduated from the jewelry design program at New York’s Fashion Institute of Technology in 2004. In her studies, she was privileged to learn under Professor Maurice P. Galli, known for his design work for Harry Winston.
On her return to Japan, she launched her own brand, LATREIA, in 2006. She later received the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare Prize at the Japan Jewellery Association’s Jewellery Design Awards in 2011. LATREIA celebrated its 10th anniversary at an event held at the Embassy of Belgium in Japan in 2016.
She has garnered attention as one of the most talented designers both at home and abroad; as the youngest artist featured in Japanese authority Ryo Yamaguchi’s 2012 book, Top Jewellers of Japan, and as the only Japanese designer in Olivier Dupon’s 2016 book, Fine Jewelry Couture: Contemporary Heirlooms.
Her broad-ranging talents and interests motivate and inspire her activities beyond design, as she has given lectures at Bunka Gakuen University, Lalique Museum Hakone, Nagoya Zokei University of Art and Design, and the Japan Jewellery Fair, while authoring articles and manga in jewelry industry trade magazines.

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